Chrysalis Home Healthcare - the leading provider of nursing care & telemedicine services in Houston.

About Chrysalis Home Healthcare
As times change and home care agencies face new challenges, our expert staff, with a combined medical background of over 30 years, has developed a plan and forward-thinking strategies to ensure the safety and care of our patients. As many fear the unknown, we have stepped-up to face it "head on" to provide new technology to both improve the health and happiness of clients at home and to improve the overall patient experience.
We have developed partnerships with physicians and a Telemedicine group to provide remote visits & screenings for our clients - one-on-one visits are still available as well, practicing CDC guidelines for COVID19 precautionary measures, however, remote visits are an option for those who may have a chronic condition and/or immunnocompromised (weakened immune system).
Patients who are immunocompromised have a reduced ability to fight infections and other diseases. This may be caused by certain diseases or conditions, such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, malnutrition, and certain genetic disorders. It may also be caused by certain medicines or treatments, such as anticancer drugs, radiation therapy, and stem cell or organ transplant.
Telemedicine technology allows us to still conduct our "visit" to ensure your medical needs are addressed, as well as, address any socioeconomic needs such as: access to groceries, assistance with medication delivery, need for medical equipment & other necessities.
Call us today for a FREE consultation and we will work with your physician to develop a plan of care to assist with your medical needs.